Friday, May 22, 2009

Villages Are Growing Popular Globally

Co-op villages are popping up across the world. Some attract environmentalists. Some appeal to particular age or religious groups. Some in Europe have taken entire towns and turned them Green. Some are luxury, high end eco-resorts with amenities that only the wealthy can afford.

Prosper Village is for families and individuals of all ages, shapes, sizes, religions, groups, interests, skills and incomes. It's for people from typical towns across America and the world. Today, that means some are concerned about finances. Some want more time with family, meaningful jobs and a less stressed lifestyle. Some want to be healthier and connect more with nature. They'll find all that and more at Prosper Village.

For specific details, visit A downloadable book is available on the website for free. Why FREE? The 'Me Only' way of thinking has hurt many. It's time to work together to increase wealth and preserve resources for future generations. We help by freely sharing researched solutions. You can help by spreading the word about Prosper Village. One village will help 500 people. 1,000 villages can help people AND the planet.