People are stressed. Many are desperate. Some wonder, "Will We Have Enough?" Boomers worry about retirement. Millions are losing jobs and homes.
Some hope a lottery ticket will bail them out. Others sign up for a 'Make Millions' Internet scheme. Few get ahead this way. What if people could design their own bailout plan...a plan that uses no government assistance?
In this age of great talent and brain power, affordable alternatives to tent cities and low rent projects must be designed. It can't be rocket science. People in earler times struggled but most helped each other and could live comfortably without spending a fortune. Then STUFF happened. BUYING STUFF happened.
We waste money on things we don't need. We transport exotic fruits we've never heard of cross-country. Why? Limp lettuce and green tomatoes have reduced nutritional value compared to locally grown food. It's expensive, wastes fuel and the FDA must hire inspectors so we don't get sick eating it. Is the cost to import and transport millions of items cross country really worth the emotional and financial toll spent working hundreds of hours to pay for it? Yes, some products are needed. However, why buy a tomato from California when it can be bought locally?
There'a a better, easier, cheaper way to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without spending a fortune. It's Prosper Village.
Imagine living comfortably for the next 30, 40, 50, or more years on $40,000. Imagine if that fee included a 20 hour a week job, utilities, food, housing and basic health care? Would you have more time for yourself? More time to spend with family and friends? Wouldn't that be more valuable than a new car? Granite counter tops? The latest designer purse or jeans? What's more valuable...time or things?
Monday, June 8, 2009
40K For Lifetime of Living
United Nations